Don’t distribute or sell MUT Coins

Coin selling and distribution hurts the Madden NFL Mobile economy. That means disrupting the safe buying and selling environment that legitimate players are trying to use to get the players they need for their Team. That’s not cool.

Don’t buy Madden Cash from a third-party seller

There are two ways to get Madden Cash: Buying them in-game and earning them when you complete certain events in-game. That’s it.

Just like buying MUT Coins from a third-party, you are risking having your account information stolen by phishers. These sellers need your account login information to get the Cash and you are risking them hacking you or someone else in the process.

Don’t exploit the Market (abuse or botting)

Using bots or exploiting the Market in any way gives an unfair advantage and hurts the experience for you and other players. It can also negatively affect the affordability of certain items that are for sale in the Market, making it harder for legitimate players to enjoy the game they know and love.

Don’t make false claims

Making a false claim to EA Help Advisors or any other EA representative is against our gameplay rules. Breaking the rules makes it hard to offer a fun, safe, and secure environment for you and all players.